5π Consulting

Kubernetes Native CI With Argo

May 01, 2020



As I discussed in Why Kubernetes at small scale, Kubernetes is more an infrastructure framework than just a container scheduler.

Every resource in your infrastructure is a Kubernetes Object and new Resources can be defined using Custom Controllers and Resources.


One of the custom controllers I’m most excited about Argo. It extends the Kubernetes API by providing a Workflow Object in which each task is a command running in a container. It supports defining dependencies, control structures, loops and recursion and parallelize execution. To capture workflow artifacts, it supports various backends.

I’ve built the machine learning / training infrastructure for one of my clients around Argo with great success. So when we looked into options for CI/CD, we doubled down on Argo and build that on top of it as well.

Argo already supports git input artifacts, as shown in this example:

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
  generateName: input-artifact-git-
  entrypoint: git-clone
  - name: git-clone
      - name: argo-source
        path: /src
          repo: https://github.com/argoproj/argo.git
          revision: "v2.1.1"
      image: golang:1.10
      command: [sh, -c]
      args: ["git status && ls && cat VERSION"]
      workingDir: /src


Creating a workflow to build a code repository is straight forward. But how to do it automatically when you push new code to GitHub?

There is argo-events but it was in very early development and seemed concerned with many things beyond what we needed. There also exists argo-ci but that project got stale and since was removed from the official argo docs.

So I’ve created the k8s-webhook-handler1. It’s a webhook-handler that handles incoming webhooks from GitHub by checking out a Kubernetes manifests (.ci/workflow.yaml by default) and applies it to Kubernetes with the following annotations set:

  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/ref: Git reference (e.g. refs/heads/master)
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/revision: The SHA of the most recent commit on ref after the push.
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/before: The SHA of the most recent commit on ref before the push.
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/repo_name: Repo name including user (e.g. airbnb/k8s-webhook-handler)
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/repo_url: git URL (e.g. git://github.com/airbnb/k8s-webhook-handler.git)
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/repo_ssh: ssh URL (e.g. [email protected]:airbnb/k8s-webhook-handler.git)
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/event_type: Event type (e.g. push or delete)
  • k8s-webhook-handler.io/event_action: Event type specific action (e.g. created or deleted)

This is kept very generic. You could use this to apply any kind of resource but we’re using it to submit an Argo workflow.

CI workflow

Building binaries

Now we can create an Argo Workflow that uses the annotations to checkout the code as the desired revision and build it. Let’s take the k8s-webhook-handler itself as an example.

First we need to create .ci/workflow.yaml in the repository:

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
  generateName: ci-k8s-webhook-handler-
  entrypoint: build
    - name: build
          - name: source
            path: /src
              repo: "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/repo_ssh}}"
              revision: "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/revision}}"
        image: golang:1.14
        command: ["go", "install", "./..." ]
        workingDir: /src
        - name: binaries
          path: /go/bin

Now the repository needs to be configured to send webhook requests for push events to the k8s-webhook-handler as described in the GitHub Docs.

If we push code to the repository now, it will execute the workflow above to checkout the code, build it and capture the build artifacts in Argo’s artifacts repository.

Building Docker images with Kaniko


Now we have binaries but running everything on Kubernetes means we need docker/container images. There is no native build support in Kubernetes and the suggested solution is using unprivileged build tools.

We opted for Kaniko. It supports the Dockerfile format our developers are familiar with and doesn’t require any elevated permissions, making it possible to run in a regular Kubernetes pod.

Now with Kaniko we can use the following workflow to build the k8s-webhook-handler Dockerfile:

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
  generateName: ci-k8s-webhook-handler-
  entrypoint: build
    - name: docker-config
        name: docker-config
    - name: build
          iam.amazonaws.com/role: ci-role
          - name: source
            path: /src
              repo: "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/repo_ssh}}"
              revision: "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/revision}}"
        image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor
          - "--context=/src"
          - "--destination=xxx.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/k8s-webhook-handler:{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/revision}}"
          - name: docker-config
            mountPath: /kaniko/.docker/

Since we’re using ECR, the docker-config volume just contains config.json with the content { "credsStore": "ecr-login" } to make kaniko use the ecr-login credential helper. See the kaniko docs for more details. To grant the pod IAM permissions to do that, we’re using kube2iam and the iam.amazonaws.com/role annotation.


Now we got a image, but how to deploy it? Argo supports workflows that consist of a list of steps or a DAG. While a list of steps would be sufficient for a simple build-then-deploy workflow, we generally prefer DAGs for their flexibility, so let’s use it in this example as well.

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
  generateName: ci-k8s-webhook-handler-
  entrypoint: ci
  serviceAccountName: ci-workflow
      - name: image
        value: "xxx.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/k8s-webhook-handler:{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/revision}}"
    - name: docker-config
        name: docker-config
    - name: ci
          - name: build
            template: build
          - name: deploy
            template: deploy
            dependencies: [build]
    - name: build
          iam.amazonaws.com/role: ci-role
          - name: source
            path: /src
              repo: "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/repo_ssh}}"
              revision: "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/revision}}"
        image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor
          - "--context=/src"
          - "--destination={{workflow.parameters.image}}"
          - name: docker-config
            mountPath: /kaniko/.docker/
    - name: deploy
        image: bitnami/kubectl:1.17.4
        args: ["kubectl", "set", "image", "deployment/k8s-webhook-handler", "k8s-webhook-handler={{workflow.parameters.image}}"]

This workflow defines a DAG in the ci template with two tasks where deploy depends on build, so it runs after that. To allow the workflow to change resources in Kubernetes, we specify serviceAccountName: ci-workflow. Follow the Kubernetes Docs for details on how to create service accounts.

On push, this workflow will now build the image and update the k8s-webhook-handler container in the k8s-webhook-handler deployment to use the new image.

Branch based continuous integration

The above example would update the k8s-webhook-handler in the default namespace on every push, no matter which branch. It also doesn’t handle the initial creation of the deployment. That’s probably not what you want in production.

What we are doing is using a custom deployment image with scripts that render templates from the source repository. Beside using the image name from the workflow in the deployment manifests, we deploy all resources in a Kubernetes namespace based on the branch name. This allows developers to test their changes in a separate namespace before merging and deploying to the production namespace.

But what happens if a developer deletes their branch? k8s-webhook-handler supports any kind of GitHub events, so we actually send many more events to it and use the k8s-webhook-handler.io/event_type annotations to distinguish between them. That allows us to run a separated push and delete DAG in the workflow:

    - name: ci
          - name: push
            template: push
            when: "'{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/event_type}}' == 'push'"
          - name: delete
            template: delete
            when: "'{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/event_type}}' == 'delete'"
    - name: push
          - name: build
            template: build
          - name: deploy
            template: deploy
            dependencies: [build]
    - name: delete
        image: custom-ci-tools-image
        command: [ "delete-namespace-for-ref", "{{workflow.annotations.k8s-webhook-handler.io/ref}}"]

Advanced builds, GitHub checks, Slack notifications and more

The generic nature of the Argo workflow allows it to handle pretty much any build and deployment needs. We have additional steps that use our custom ci scripts to:

  • Ensure the ECR repositories exist
  • Sending build notifications to Slack and update GitHub’s status checks
  • Add deployment annotations to our monitoring system
  • Calculate image tags based on file checksums to avoid unnecessary builds

Here is an example of one of our more sophisticated CI workflows that builds multiple variants of an project based on multiple base images, to support GPU and non-GPU deployments: koko-ci

  • init adds a GitHub status check indicating that the build is running
  • calculate-tags creates checksums from various files to determine what needs to get rebuild which leads to skipping rebuild of both base images
  • update-kubeflow adds new Jupyter notebook builds to kubeflow
  • report-status updates the GitHub status check and notifies Slack


Argo is a relatively small but very powerful extension of the Kubernetes API. I’ve been using various CI/CD systems over the years and while most are easier to use for simple use cases, things tend to get tedious for more advanced and less anticipated use cases. Argo gets away with much less complexity than most of these systems as well, since all the heavy lifting of scheduling and abstraction of build steps is done by Kubernetes. It’s a shining example of what is so great about Kubernetes: It’s not just the datacenter as a computer idea, but also the building blocks that are complex but only need to be solved once, by Kubernetes, to benefit many different use cases on top of it.

CI setup is still being used.

  1. Koko has been acquired by Airbnb where a modified version of this

Johannes Ziemke

By Johannes Ziemke.
Cool, cool but need help? You can hire me!.
